Our Memberships

Our memberships enable us to work with influential partners to promote our products and services.


Prootfag is a certified partner of GS1. GS1 is a neutral, global collaboration platform that brings together industry leaders, governments, regulators, universities and associations to develop standards-based solutions to the challenges of data exchange. It is a community of over 58,000 members. With GS1 standards, companies can uniquely and internationally identify their products, logistics units, locations and entities throughout their lifecycle, whatever the sales channel is.

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Prooftag is pleased to join the Fédération des Tiers de Confiance du Numérique (FnTC). The Federation brings together software publishers, service providers, experts, regulated professionals, start-ups, international players, users and institutional structures. This membership is relevant for Prooftag. The Federation brings together over 160 members who play an active role in defining, implementing and promoting trust in the digital economy. This heterogeneity of players provides the Federation with an invaluable pool of skills to promote reliable and secure digitalization.

Vignovin logo


Vignovin is a portal of advice, products and services for winemakers from a leading wine industry community in Vinegrowing, Winemaking, Wine Packaging and Marketing. This affiliation enables us to stay up-to-date of innovations in the wine industry and share our latest products and solutions with winemakers.

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Since 2021 Prooftag has been a member of FIEV, (Fédération des Industries des Équipements pour Véhicules). FIEV is the trade association for equipment manufacturers, garage equipment manufacturers and all other providers of automotive solutions. It represents and defends the interests of an industry whose players contribute 85% of the cost price of a vehicle, generate sales of nearly €19 billion, 54% of which is exported, and employ 70,900 people. 130 groups of companies, and their 300 FIEV members, benefit from a wide range of support (advice, monitoring, training and studies), essential to their performance in a constantly changing market.



Cosmed is a leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality beauty products. They offer a wide range of fragrances and cosmetics to meet customers' needs. At Cosmed, they are committed to providing environmentally friendly and sustainable products. Prooftag is proud to be a member of COSMED.

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La French Fab

Prooftag is proud to be a member of La French Fab. La French Fab is a French label created on October 2, 2017 to embody companies, economic players, institutions and industrial sites located in France that wish to develop French industries.




Retrouvez nous

Product details

Prooftag cerv

  • Add product details and characteristics directly on the Prooftag CERV interface
  • Add additional information such as origin or composition
  • Register the languages available for viewing your products
  • Define the safety data associated with the product

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Prooftag cerv

  • Connectivity and serialisation
  • Track & trace your products and identify the distribution channels of your products
  • Create shipping or product return events
  • Certitrack integration allows you to manage the users and applications that have access to your products

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Prooftag cerv

Build customer loyalty by rewarding them for each seal scan

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  • Get an alert each time a seal is consulted
  • Receive product location information

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Consult the consultation statistics in real time by

  • country
  • consultation language
  • product type

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Prooftag cerv
Monitor your markets in real time
and adapt your strategies in real time

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Détails produit

Prooftag cerv

  • Ajouter les détails et les caractéristiques du produit directement sur l'interface Prooftag CERV
  • Ajouter des informations supplémentaires telles que l'origine ou la composition
  • Enregistrer les langues disponibles pour la visualisation de vos produits
  • Définir les données de sécurité associées au produit

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Prooftag cerv

  • Connectivité et sérialisation
  • Assurez le suivi et la traçabilité de vos produits et identifiez les canaux de distribution de vos produits
  • Créer des événements d'expédition ou de retour de produits
  • L'intégration de Certitrack vous permet de gérer les utilisateurs et les applications qui ont accès à vos produits

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Fidélisez vos clients en les récompensant pour chaque scan de sceau

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  • Recevez une alerte chaque fois qu'un sceau est consulté
  • Recevoir des informations sur la localisation des produits

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Consultez les statistiques de consultation en temps réel par

- Pays

-  Langue de consultation

-  Type de produit

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Suivez vos marchés en temps réel
et adaptez vos stratégies en temps réel

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Prooftag cerv

  • Konnektivität und Serialisierung
  • Verfolgen und verfolgen Sie Ihre Produkte und identifizieren Sie die Vertriebskanäle Ihrer Produkte
  • Erstellen Sie Versand- oder Produktrückgabeereignisse
  • Die Certitrack-Integration ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Benutzer und Anwendungen zu verwalten, die Zugang zu Ihren Produkten haben

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Prooftag cerv

  • Hinzufügen von Produktdetails und -merkmalen direkt über die Prooftag CERV-Schnittstelle
  • Fügen Sie zusätzliche Informationen wie Herkunft oder Zusammensetzung hinzu
  • Registrieren Sie die verfügbaren Sprachen für die Anzeige Ihrer Produkte
  • Definieren Sie die mit dem Produkt verbundenen Sicherheitsdaten

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Prooftag cerv

Binden Sie Ihre Kunden, indem Sie sie für jeden Siegelscan belohnen

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