Document Security

Secure the authenticity and integrity of your documents

The ever-increasing flow of people, products and information require the implementation of secured documents that can be rapidly identified and authenticated.

Prooftag has developed a strong expertise in the protection of sensitive documents. 

We offer security solutions based on a combination of physically unclonable chaosmetric features and IT services to fight document counterfeiting and forgery.

Thanks to our solutions we can ensure each document:

  • Unicity of the document
  • Authenticity of the document (anti-counterfeiting)
  • Content Integrity (anti-falsification)
  • Track & Trace throughout their life cycle

Lineup of document Security Products


Diplomas • Customs forms • Immigration forms • Registration certificates • Birth certificates • Land titles • Notary documents • Passport • Asset tracking • Tax stamps

Bubble card® - security cards for identity cards


ID Cards • Driving license • Social security Card / Health card • Professional ID (Lawyers, Military, Journalists, Taxi drivers...) • Access Card

Security solutions for Visa


Visas • Windshield stickers
PDO - Protected Designation of Origin
PGI- Protected Geographical Indication

Security solution to fight against counterfeiting: the FiberTracker


Diplomas • Customs forms • Immigration forms Registration certificates • Birth certificates • Land titles


Unicity ● Authenticity ● Integrity

Prooftag offers a document security concept around CertiDOCS®.

This software suite combined with Prooftag range of security technologies offers a high-security solution to combat fraud, forgery, and counterfeiting of documents.

This document certification solution is applicable to all sorts of documents, regardless of their nature, their quantity or the production means. The solution has been designed to work on new documents as well as on existing documents.

The concept is based on the implementation of a Prooftag chaosmetric feature associated with the content of the document in a secure database.

CertiDOCS® allows the issuance of documents in a centralized and decentralized way to ensure their authenticity, integrity and confidentiality.

Documents security


Secured Document

Document Protection

The document is produced on a blank support on which is applied a chaosmetric feature or from a support integrating this feature beforehand.

The physical presence of the chaosmetric feature, in relation to its registration in an information system, ascertains and proves the origin and authenticity of the document.


Association of the document content in a digital format with the chaosmetric fingerprint signature to certify the data: the recording in an information system of the content of the document in association with the chaosmetric fingerprint certifies the integrity of the document data.
This certification makes it possible to fight against the falsification of data.

In order to certify data integrity, it is possible to store only the digital signature (SHA 512) of the digital document in association with the Security Seal in a remote database.



Authentication can be performed anytime during the lifetime of the good or the document, either visually or electronically


Visual authentication of the chaosmetric fingerprint with its registration in the information system

A verification of authenticity accessible from anywhere and by anyone using a web connection


Electronic authentication of the chaosmetric fingerprint with an eDMR® reader connected to CertiDOCS® Control

Validation of the document content directly on CertiDOCS control

Security Technologies

Solutions for document security

Conventional security technologies are mass-produced and therefore mass-reproducible. 

Only technologies that cannot be reproduced by their own manufacturers can offer the assurance of effective protection against counterfeiting.

Since 2004, Prooftag has been developing its own security solutions based on the chaosmetry concept. Like biometrics  that identifies human beings by their physical characteristics, chaosmetry relies on recording non-cloneable physical elements to create a serialized authentication feature.


Ask for your free personalized samples

Product details

Prooftag cerv

  • Add product details and characteristics directly on the Prooftag CERV interface
  • Add additional information such as origin or composition
  • Register the languages available for viewing your products
  • Define the safety data associated with the product

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Prooftag cerv

  • Connectivity and serialisation
  • Track & trace your products and identify the distribution channels of your products
  • Create shipping or product return events
  • Certitrack integration allows you to manage the users and applications that have access to your products

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Prooftag cerv

Build customer loyalty by rewarding them for each seal scan

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Prooftag cerv

  • Get an alert each time a seal is consulted
  • Receive product location information

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Prooftag cerv

Consult the consultation statistics in real time by

  • country
  • consultation language
  • product type

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Prooftag cerv
Monitor your markets in real time
and adapt your strategies in real time

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Détails produit

Prooftag cerv

  • Ajouter les détails et les caractéristiques du produit directement sur l'interface Prooftag CERV
  • Ajouter des informations supplémentaires telles que l'origine ou la composition
  • Enregistrer les langues disponibles pour la visualisation de vos produits
  • Définir les données de sécurité associées au produit

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Prooftag cerv

  • Connectivité et sérialisation
  • Assurez le suivi et la traçabilité de vos produits et identifiez les canaux de distribution de vos produits
  • Créer des événements d'expédition ou de retour de produits
  • L'intégration de Certitrack vous permet de gérer les utilisateurs et les applications qui ont accès à vos produits

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Prooftag cerv

Fidélisez vos clients en les récompensant pour chaque scan de sceau

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Prooftag cerv

  • Recevez une alerte chaque fois qu'un sceau est consulté
  • Recevoir des informations sur la localisation des produits

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Prooftag cerv

Consultez les statistiques de consultation en temps réel par

- Pays

-  Langue de consultation

-  Type de produit

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Prooftag cerv
Suivez vos marchés en temps réel
et adaptez vos stratégies en temps réel

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Prooftag cerv

  • Konnektivität und Serialisierung
  • Verfolgen und verfolgen Sie Ihre Produkte und identifizieren Sie die Vertriebskanäle Ihrer Produkte
  • Erstellen Sie Versand- oder Produktrückgabeereignisse
  • Die Certitrack-Integration ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Benutzer und Anwendungen zu verwalten, die Zugang zu Ihren Produkten haben

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Prooftag cerv

  • Hinzufügen von Produktdetails und -merkmalen direkt über die Prooftag CERV-Schnittstelle
  • Fügen Sie zusätzliche Informationen wie Herkunft oder Zusammensetzung hinzu
  • Registrieren Sie die verfügbaren Sprachen für die Anzeige Ihrer Produkte
  • Definieren Sie die mit dem Produkt verbundenen Sicherheitsdaten

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