Tax Stamp

Unitary authentication and traceability to manage the collection of taxes and the verification of tax stamps

Secure Track & Trace solution for tax collection

Tax stamps are used to collect taxes and other fees and are usually issued by local or national governments. The face value of tax stamps justifies the presence of a security element to prevent counterfeiting.

Prooftag offers a complete solution incorporating unitary authentication and traceability to manage the collection of taxes and the verification of tax stamps.

Secure track & trace solution for tax collection

Secure concept


Stamp Flow

Stamp Definition

Production of a stamp with secured physical characteristics (Over, Covert, Forensic) and a chaosmetric fingerprint.


Stamps are serialized with a unique reference generated by the central system. The serialized reference is associated to the stamp physical characteristics.

The reference can be materialized as :

  • A chain of characters
  • A 2D Code
  • Visible or non-visible ink
  • A serialized or random reference
  • A standard code or encrypted code

Stamps are applied to the product. Physical stamps are labeled on the product while digital stamps are marked on the product.


Items are associated in boxes/carton/palettes. Each of those group is identified to be traced in the system.


Dedicated application and electronic readers offer a secure way to authenticate stamps and to have access to related data.

Their usage improves the efficiency of investigators that can rapidly have access to information allowing them to take necessary actions.

Data Flow

Stamp Affectation

Users who need secure stamps have access to the system allowing them to place orders. The system will generate stamp’s references  directly allocated to the user identity.

Online Platform

Based on Prooftag online platform, authorities can manage stamp orders, production and delivery to manufacturers on a dedicated web portal.

The system can be configured to :

  • Receive and validate production orders
  • Manage stamps personalization data
  • Record stamp production
  • Manage stamp logistics
Application data uploading

A production system is set up on the production line to control the application of the stamps and collect the associated information.
The data is automatically loaded into the state’s database system for automatic verification.

Logistics data

Auxiliary information is recorded on the logistics of the marked element.

Data Analytics

The centralized platform records all actions related to stamps and secure items as well as authentications performed on the platform.
The system generates anomaly reports and creates alerts on stamps that are misused.


Prooftag Readers

Formal authentication is ensured by Prooftag readers

These readers can be used for online and offline authentication and provide a secured access to the central database system.

These readers can be used to validate the authenticity of chaosmetric pattern as well as Overt and Covert features.

eDMR® (Electronic DIRECT Mobile Reader) to read Prooftag technologies

Security Technologies

Production of secured stamps - Chaosmetric Concept

Conventional security technologies are mass-produced and consequently mass-reproducible. Only technologies that cannot be reproduced, even by their own manufacturer, guarantee efficient protection against counterfeiting. 

Since 2004, Prooftag has developed its own security solutions based on a chaosmetric concept. Like biometrics, that refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits, chaosmetric relies on the recording of physically unclonable features to create a serialized authentication element.

Chaosmetry theory studies the behavior of dynamic systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. Tiny variations in these conditions generate a constellation of unpredictable final bubbles. Small differences in these initial conditions give very divergent results for such dynamic systems, making long-term prediction impossible. 

Chaotic behavior can be observed in many natural systems. In these systems, human intervention influences the outcome but cannot force a certain result.


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Tax Stamp

Unitary authentication and traceability to manage the collection of taxes and the verification of tax stamps

Secure Track & Trace solution for tax collection

Tax stamps are used to collect taxes and other fees and are usually issued by local or national governments. The face value of tax stamps justifies the presence of a security element to prevent counterfeiting.

Prooftag offers a complete solution incorporating unitary authentication and traceability to manage the collection of taxes and the verification of tax stamps.

Secure concept


Stamp Flow

Stamp Definition

Production of a stamp with secured physical characteristics (Over, Covert, Forensic) and a chaosmetric fingerprint.


Stamps are serialized with a unique reference generated by the central system. The serialized reference is associated to the stamp physical characteristics.

The reference can be materialized as :

  • A chain of characters
  • A 2D Code
  • Visible or non-visible ink
  • A serialized or random reference
  • A standard code or encrypted code

Stamps are applied to the product. Physical stamps are labeled on the product while digital stamps are marked on the product.


Items are associated in boxes/carton/palettes. Each of those group is identified to be traced in the system.


Dedicated application and electronic readers offer a secure way to authenticate stamps and to have access to related data.

Their usage improves the efficiency of investigators that can rapidly have access to information allowing them to take necessary actions.

Data Flow

Stamp Affectation

Users who need secure stamps have access to the system allowing them to place orders. The system will generate stamp’s references  directly allocated to the user identity.

Online Platform

Based on Prooftag online platform, authorities can manage stamp orders, production and delivery to manufacturers on a dedicated web portal.

The system can be configured to :

  • Receive and validate production orders
  • Manage stamps personalization data
  • Record stamp production
  • Manage stamp logistics
Application data uploading

A production system is set up on the production line to control the application of the stamps and collect the associated information.
The data is automatically loaded into the state’s database system for automatic verification.

Logistics data

Auxiliary information is recorded on the logistics of the marked element.

Data Analytics

The centralized platform records all actions related to stamps and secure items as well as authentications performed on the platform.
The system generates anomaly reports and creates alerts on stamps that are misused.


Prooftag Readers

Formal authentication is ensured by Prooftag readers

These readers can be used for online and offline authentication and provide a secured access to the central database system.

These readers can be used to validate the authenticity of chaosmetric pattern as well as Overt and Covert features.

eDMR® (Electronic DIRECT Mobile Reader) to read Prooftag technologies

Security Technologies

Production of secured stamps - Chaosmetric Concept

Conventional security technologies are mass-produced and consequently mass-reproducible. Only technologies that cannot be reproduced, even by their own manufacturer, guarantee efficient protection against counterfeiting. 

Since 2004, Prooftag has developed its own security solutions based on a chaosmetric concept. Like biometrics, that refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits, chaosmetric relies on the recording of physically unclonable features to create a serialized authentication element.

Chaosmetry theory studies the behavior of dynamic systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. Tiny variations in these conditions generate a constellation of unpredictable final bubbles. Small differences in these initial conditions give very divergent results for such dynamic systems, making long-term prediction impossible. 

Chaotic behavior can be observed in many natural systems. In these systems, human intervention influences the outcome but cannot force a certain result.


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Product details

Prooftag cerv

  • Add product details and characteristics directly on the Prooftag CERV interface
  • Add additional information such as origin or composition
  • Register the languages available for viewing your products
  • Define the safety data associated with the product

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Prooftag cerv

  • Connectivity and serialisation
  • Track & trace your products and identify the distribution channels of your products
  • Create shipping or product return events
  • Certitrack integration allows you to manage the users and applications that have access to your products

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Prooftag cerv

Build customer loyalty by rewarding them for each seal scan

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Prooftag cerv

  • Get an alert each time a seal is consulted
  • Receive product location information

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Prooftag cerv

Consult the consultation statistics in real time by

  • country
  • consultation language
  • product type

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Prooftag cerv
Monitor your markets in real time
and adapt your strategies in real time

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Détails produit

Prooftag cerv

  • Ajouter les détails et les caractéristiques du produit directement sur l'interface Prooftag CERV
  • Ajouter des informations supplémentaires telles que l'origine ou la composition
  • Enregistrer les langues disponibles pour la visualisation de vos produits
  • Définir les données de sécurité associées au produit

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Prooftag cerv

  • Connectivité et sérialisation
  • Assurez le suivi et la traçabilité de vos produits et identifiez les canaux de distribution de vos produits
  • Créer des événements d'expédition ou de retour de produits
  • L'intégration de Certitrack vous permet de gérer les utilisateurs et les applications qui ont accès à vos produits

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Prooftag cerv

Fidélisez vos clients en les récompensant pour chaque scan de sceau

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Prooftag cerv

  • Recevez une alerte chaque fois qu'un sceau est consulté
  • Recevoir des informations sur la localisation des produits

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Prooftag cerv

Consultez les statistiques de consultation en temps réel par

- Pays

-  Langue de consultation

-  Type de produit

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Prooftag cerv
Suivez vos marchés en temps réel
et adaptez vos stratégies en temps réel

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Prooftag cerv

  • Konnektivität und Serialisierung
  • Verfolgen und verfolgen Sie Ihre Produkte und identifizieren Sie die Vertriebskanäle Ihrer Produkte
  • Erstellen Sie Versand- oder Produktrückgabeereignisse
  • Die Certitrack-Integration ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Benutzer und Anwendungen zu verwalten, die Zugang zu Ihren Produkten haben

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Prooftag cerv

  • Hinzufügen von Produktdetails und -merkmalen direkt über die Prooftag CERV-Schnittstelle
  • Fügen Sie zusätzliche Informationen wie Herkunft oder Zusammensetzung hinzu
  • Registrieren Sie die verfügbaren Sprachen für die Anzeige Ihrer Produkte
  • Definieren Sie die mit dem Produkt verbundenen Sicherheitsdaten

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Prooftag cerv

Binden Sie Ihre Kunden, indem Sie sie für jeden Siegelscan belohnen

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Prooftag cerv

  • Erhalten Sie jedes Mal eine Warnung, wenn ein Siegel eingesehen wird
  • Erhalten Sie Informationen zum Produktstandort

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Prooftag cerv

Konsultieren Sie die Konsultationsstatistiken in Echtzeit nach

  • Land
  • Sprache der Konsultation
  • Produkttyp

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Prooftag cerv
Controle sus mercados en tiempo real
y ajustar sus estrategias en tiempo real

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Prooftag cerv

  • Añada detalles y características del producto directamente en la interfaz de Prooftag CERV
  • Añadir información adicional como el origen o la composición
  • Registre los idiomas disponibles para ver sus productos
  • Definir los datos de seguridad asociados al producto

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Prooftag cerv

  • Conectividad y serialización
  • Seguir y rastrear sus productos e identificar los canales de distribución de sus productos
  • Crear eventos de envío o devolución de productos
  • La integración de Certitrack le permite gestionar los usuarios y las aplicaciones que tienen acceso a sus productos

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Prooftag cerv

Fidelice a sus clientes premiándolos por cada escaneo de sellos

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Prooftag cerv

  • Recibir un aviso cada vez que se vea un sello
  • Obtenga información sobre la ubicación de los productos

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Prooftag cerv

Consulte las estadísticas de consulta en tiempo real

  • País
  • Lenguaje de consulta
  • Tipo de producto

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